

My absence has been very long this time. To tell you the truth the past three weeks haven't been filled with that much excitement... well... that's not entirely true. We had a bunch of wonderful visitors. I've just been very busy with work, and organizing my life. I haven't been taking many photos with the digital camera either. But I have been inspired by Anabela and many other bloggers out there and have been snapping away on my voigtlander medium format camera which I love... Here are some shots from a couple of old rolls I had lying around.

Two weekends ago Berlin was buzzing with small press and self published art books with two events at Kunst-Werke and Motto, Miss Read and Unter dem Motto respectively. These are worth keeping in mind for next year!

I'm looking forward to checking out the Marianne Breslauer show at the Berlinische Gallerie this week.

I've been hunting for cheap fabric bargains for a HUGE upcoming project that I have. This one will probably be ongoing for some time. I'm getting my feet wet with a smaller project I'm working on for M., a cardigan. I've never been the best at sewing with knits. I must say that I've approached this one with some patience and it's turning out pretty well.

Happy Sunday. I hope that I'll be able to post more in the coming weeks!

3 Kommentare:

  1. Oh, it's so great to see these! They're lovely!

  2. Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.

  3. Aw Thanks! Do you recognize the first shot? I took it at one of my favourite places in Toronto while there during the winter holidays. Yes that's how old some of this film is.
